There has been heavy snowfall in Edinburgh during the past few days, but the temperature has been a little above freezing, so there is not much accumulation.
But with snow having lain on the ground for four weeks from Christmas until well into January, there is nowhere for this latest deluge to drain away.
The hole that still remains after I removed a broken clothes-pole a few years ago, has once again become full of water. The last time this happened was late in August 2008, after a series of summer rain-storms.
Water is such a crucial component of our lives, yet most of the time we in Scotland take it for granted.
There is rarely too much water, and rarely too little water. We turn on the tap and clear, sparkling water tumbles into the basin. Most of Scotland is not very far from the sea, where we can see the water stretching away from us beyond the curved horizon.
We can only survive without water for a few days. A fit and healthy adult can often last without food for 40 days. During Lent some people commit to Fast for the 40 days of the season. Other people will undertake a 40-day fast at other times.
God's love showers down upon the people of this world unseen, and for many people, un-noticed. They take it for granted, a bit like we take water for granted.
Water is easier to see than the love of God. But both of them are essential to life.
Water is the medium in which our bodies live and thrive. But eventually a day will come when our bodies run out of life, no matter how much water is provided.
But God's love takes us beyond the valley of death into the eternal life in which God himself resides.
Take a deep draft of the love of God today, and submerge yourself in the life of God, today, for life, for always.