Sunday 15 February 2009

Exploring Prayer and Easter Craft Project

If you live near Abercorn, Newton, Pardovan, Philpstoun, Kingscavil, Bridgend, or Winchburgh, then we invite you to join our Easter Craft Project, or to come to our Exploring Prayer journey, or even to both.

The launch arrangements for the two projects are announced below.

Would you like to become involved in an Easter Craft Project?

This project will run in parallel with the Lenten Prayer Exploration. Our aim is to create and set up a labyrinth in Winchburgh Church for Good Friday. There will be a pathway which will meander through the church with “stopping places” where craft representations of some of the main features of Jesus’ last week, from his entry into Jerusalem until his Crucifixion and subsequent Resurrection, will be displayed. People who visit the Labyrinth may follow in His footsteps and have an opportunity to meditate and experience a deeper awareness of these events. The displays will be created using a wide range of crafts e.g. sewing, paper crafts, flowers, poetry, artwork and any other art or craft medium suggested by those who wish to become involved.

It is your project, and your ideas and skills are important, so why not come along to a preparatory meeting on Tuesday, 17 February at 2.00 pm in the Session House at Winchburgh Church to find out more? We look forward to seeing you then.

The Easter Craft Project will begin on Ash Wednesday, 25th February, at 8pm following on from the launch of the Prayer Exploration at 7pm. Between the two meetings there will be refreshments, and you are welcome to come along to either or both meetings.

Subsequent craft work will take place at people’s homes, or at various times at church venues, to fit in with other activities. You are welcome to join in even if you cannot come along on the first night, or on other occasions. Dates and venues will be announced as they are decided.

Please contact Marion, Jean, or Stewart, for more information, or post your question as a Comment below.

Exploring Prayer

Six evenings exploring different aspects of prayer and ways of praying, led by Stewart and Jean. Time for discussion, for reflection and for getting closer to God.

We will meet in Winchburgh Church on Wednesdays from 7pm-8pm.

Week 1 - 25th February - Stepping out: try praying.
Week 2 - 4th March - Why is prayer so hard?
Week 3 - 11th March - Prayer is more than petition
Week 4 - 18th March - Does Prayer change things?
Week 5 - 25th March - Growing in Prayer
Week 6 - 1st April - Open Forum: Looking towards Easter

We aim to have something for all ages and stages from P7 upwards. Each workshop will be complete in itself, so please don’t worry if you’re not able to come every week, or even only for one week. However, each session leads to the next, so we hope you’ll want to follow on with us. Please speak to Stewart or Jean if there is anything else you’d like to know in advance.

At 8pm each evening we will enjoy some refreshments giving us an opportunity to chat even more informally.


This blogsite will follow the progress of both projects, providing an opportunity to see the progress on the craft project, reflect on each of the prayer explorations, continue the discussion, and to catch up on what you may have missed.

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