No.11 The Crucifixion
Bible Text
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John Chapter 3, verse 16
He carried the cross to Calvary,
Carried its burden for you and me,
There on the cross He was crucified
And, because He suffered and bled and died,
We know that whatever “our cross” may be,
It leads to God and eternity……
For who can hope for a “crown of stars”
Unless it is earned with suffering and scars,
For how could we face the living Lord
And rightfully claim His promised reward
If we have not carried our cross of care
And tasted the cup of bitter despair……
Let those who yearn for the pleasures of life,
And long to escape all suffering and strife,
Rush recklessly on to an “empty goal”
With never a thought of the spirit and soul……
But if you are searching to find the way
To life everlasting and eternal day –
With Faith in your heart take the path He trod,
For the way of the cross is the way to God.
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